IM Efficiency turns semi-trailers into mobile solar parks
Funding round successfully closed in 2020
HEERLEN, May 13th 2020 - Fleet operators will soon be able to save around 6,000 kilos of CO2 and 2,500 euros in fuel per year by equipping semi-trailer roofs with solar panels. IM Efficiency, producer of 'SolarOnTop', is collaborating with several large transport companies in a final pilot test. Investors from the Netherlands and Belgium have been attracted for the commercial introduction of SolarOnTop. IM Efficiency expects to supply around 4,000 trailers with solar panels in the Benelux in the near future.
Endurance tests show that SolarOnTop, with solar panels only a few millimetres thick, can deliver fuel savings of up to 5.5 percent. In addition, maintenance costs are reduced because SolarOnTop reduces wear and tear.

“Depending on the type of driving schedule and vehicle, in our climate this amounts to a saving of 2,500 euros per year. This is because the alternator no longer has to generate electricity for the truck's equipment. In this way we are making a significant contribution to making the transport sector more sustainable: around six tonnes of CO2 per truck. The investment pays for itself in less than three years.”
- Martijn lldiz, CEO of IM Efficiency
The final test case, a four-month practical trial in cooperation with, among others, Vos Logistics from Oss and Emons Group from Milsbeek, will start next month. The purpose of this collaboration is to collect data for the production and certification of SolarOnTop. Additionally, cooperation with partners from the automotive network will be strengthened. IM Efficiency is moving its R&D activities to the Automotive Campus in Helmond.
BOM Brabant Ventures invests together with a large logistics entrepreneur and a Belgian investor in the certification and market and production readiness of SolarOnTop.
“IM Efficiency fits very well in our aim to make Brabant energy neutral. At least as important is the added value of the company for the ecosystem of Brabant. We are an international leader in the development of sustainable, smart mobility. Mutual cooperation will only further strengthen this leading position in the world.”