Driven by onions, powered by sun - Wiskerke Onions successfully implements the SolarOnTop.
Wiskerke Onions recently installed IM Efficiency's SolarOnTop technology on two of their trailers. As a first step in their collaboration, IM Efficiency is pleased to support Wiskerke Onions in their quest to make the complete supply chain of onions sustainable. Wiskerke Onions continuously strives to innovate. From harvesting to sorting all kind of onions, shallots and garlic, Wiskerke Onions invests in new technologies in every step of the supply chain. The onions of Wiskerke Onions are produced under the highest certification standards by onion growers and are transported to the warehouse for further processing. Beyond sustainable processing with the use of residual heat exchange and warehouse solar energy, Wiskerke Onions takes their sustainable ambitions further by also making its transportation flows more sustainable.
This year Wiskerke Onions has improved its transport activities by adding the SolarOnTop on their trailers. With the implementation of the SolarOnTop, each truck is saving up to 2.000 liters of fuel and saving a total of 7 tonnes CO₂ per year per SolarOnTop. The flexible solar modules on top of the trailer generate electricity, a technology that is durable, light weight, and ultra-thin. An intelligent energy management system decides what to do with the solar energy to have the biggest impact: it can be stored in the SolarOnTop lithium battery for later use, or is supplied directly to the truck and trailer to reduce diesel fuel consumption.
As a next step the SolarOnTop will support Wiskerke to make the transport of onions even greener to the distribution centers of supermarkets and wholesalers. The SolarOnTop technology will develop further the upcoming years to make also the cooled transport of onions even greener to the distribution centers of supermarkets and wholesalers. With this cooperation and the first positive results the Wiskerke Onions trailers can be used as an example to implement the SolarOnTop on more of their trailers in the future.
We are happy to start and expand the cooperation with data driven proof to lower emissions in the complete chain; from end user to producer; together for a more sustainable future, together on the Road to Zero.